Log-In to our confidential wholesale system. We issue your companies user/pass the same day.
With The Double Gold Wholesale Package, Not only do you receive access to our confidential wholesale site, We also contact 275 hard to find master wholesale distributors for you. You will be contacted directly by the best master wholesale distributors and wholesale dropshippers here in the USA. No language barrier! Get ready to be happy.
Start Your Business Right. Buy From The Same Master-Distributors That The Big Retailers Do. We uncover the behind the scenes master wholesale distributors that stock and sell multiple product lines. We Give You The Golden Key, Via Our Confidential Back End Site. Updated For 2021. Quick, fast & easy membership set-up. Instant online access to the lowest priced, top master wholesale distributors and drop shippers here in the USA stocking top quality music gear and car & home audio brands. Using your companies user-name and password for the wholesale music warehouse confidential site, you will have instant access to amazing wholesale distributors. The real "behind the scenes" master wholesale warehouses do not advertise on the search engines and are almost impossible to locate unless your company attends the annual audio trade shows. Trade shows are fun, however the cost of air fair, hotels, meals, etc.... can add up. Wholesale music warehouse guides your company right through all of this and gets right to the point by uncovering the absolute best wholesale music gear and electronics (Business to Business) suppliers in the United States.
Includes Musical Equipment, Musical Accessories, Car & Home Audio-Video PLUS Pro Audio, DJ equipment Master-Distributors. 275 Master Wholesale Distributors are contacted for your company. Get ready for the best of the best wholesale audio & musical instrument master distributors and drop shippers to contact your company directly. Wholesale Catalogs and Dealer Price Lists are Included.
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   | "Double Gold Wholesale Package" Covers all bases. Designed for power-seller type resellers. We rapidly directly connect your company with 275+ master wholesale distributors of Music Equipment and Music Accessories, Car & Home Audio-Video, Musical Gifts, Pro Audio, DJ equip. You may pick and choose which warehouses to set up formal accounts with. Many of the best wholesale distributors will contact you automatically. Sit back and let us do the contacting for you. You have more leverage when the wholesale distributor contacts you. |
   | We ask for promotional tools like banners for your shop, posters, point of purchase displays, countertop literature and more. (If you request) |
   | Our office directly contacts all the key wholesale distributors here in the USA for musical instruments, Car & Home Audio & Consumer Electronics and Musical gifts and Pro Audio-DJ Equipment for your company INSTANTLY. You save countless hours of work. Uncover the "best of the best" in the wholesale musical, audio video & Musical Gifts industry. All wholesale suppliers only sell to licensed resellers with a valid tax ID. No public access. Your new wholesale suppliers will not sell to your customers, ever. |
 | Our online database is updated for 2021. Fresh Wholesale Contacts.... All day long. Tips on how to best deal with master distributors. |
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 | Rob's updated for 2021 confidential hot-list of the top U.S. musical equipment, Audio & Electronics Wholesale Warehouses. We cut right through the BS and give you our professional insight as to the top rated master wholesalers. ALL warehouses only sell to licensed re-sellers with a valid tax ID or business license. No public access. |
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   | Live mentoring and consulting is included with wholesale double gold package 3. We are here from 8:30 am Pacific Time to 5:30 pm pacific. Available for live phone support from industry experts who know the car & home audio business inside and out. Have a question? Need help finding a particular brand? No problem. Call our help line @ (760) 994-0710 |
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   | We are the absolute experts on wholesale musical instruments, car & home audio and electronics. Ask around. Wholesale Music Warehouse is the most respected, and widely used distribution connection. Get ready for a "storm" of wholesale electronics material to flow your way. ( Including Dealer Price Sheets ) |
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   | Access to thousands of wholesale musical, and car & home audio + electronics products from Wholesale music warehouse Club's Affiliate Master Importers. All set at dealer price and ready to be shipped anywhere in the United States. Connect with core group of the largest master wholesale distributors that we use. |
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 | Search musical equipment & consumer electronics wholesale distributors by brand. You can also search wholesale distributors by State or Category. We have expanded our confidential search section to include more wholesale distributors, more search capability, and more information about each music gear & Car & home Audio wholesale distributor. (2021) |
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| Licensed Re-sellers Proceed Here |
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   | Marketing tips posted to logged in section of club main web site. Rob takes you through who has what, and where to find the absolute lowest wholesale deals. Maximize your efforts by reading Rob's periodic tips. |
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   | Your tracking numbers for all orders forwarded to you via e-mail. Upon request... Know where it is..... anytime. |
   | We contact all of the 275+ wholesale distributors with your business license and contact information for you. We request a confidential catalog and dealer price list to be mailed directly to your company. Over 275 U.S. Master Wholesalers can be contacted for your company after your gold membership activation. Get ready for your e-mail phone and fax to buzz with real B2B wholesale electronics suppliers wanting your business. Special Note: The amount of wholesale catalogs your company will receive in the mail may vary depending on your business status, weather or not you have a commercial address or an established web site with shopping cart may play a role in the net wholesale catalogs you receive. |
   | We also ask specific things of the wholesalers for you. Simply tell us your sourcing goals. We will request those things from the network of master wholesale suppliers for you. Kick your feet up, let us do the work for you. Sit back and let the calls and catalogs roll in. You may cherry pick the wholesalers that fit your needs and price point. Send us an email with your specific needs. We will take care of the rest. |
Sample questions we ask:
A. Do you drop ship?
B. Do you offer downloadable spreadsheets and wholesale price lists?
C. Do you sell these brands...
D. Do you offer net terms / open accounts?
 | All applicants must have at least a valid tax id. NO PUBLIC ACCESS. Business to Business Only. |
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 | Access to Over 275 Master-Wholesale-Distributors. WE CONTACT 275 TOTAL DISTRIBUTORS FOR YOU WITH THIS PACKAGE. |
 | Lifetime access. Your user/pass never expires. Collect updates over the years at no additional charge. |