Wholesalers Reviews: dropshipping reviews, must read
Wholesalers Reviews: dropshipping reviews, must read! Message to all people looking to start a new business and use dropshippers to pack and ship your sales, Did you know that most of the top search engine results for "dropshipper" or "dropshipping" will lead you to dropship companies that have MANY NEGATIVE REVIEWS? Do yourself and your business a favor and before you sign up with a FREE Trial, go to google.com and type in the companies web address or company name with "reviews" You will soon be very surprised when you read the multiple negative reviews for these so called "top dropshippers" Many are simply a "broker" that will make a profit on every sale you make. If you want to buy from legit dropshippers here in the USA, with NO Extra Markup, Contact Kelly at (760)994-0710 for a friendly conversation regarding connecting your business with REAL dropshippers here in the United States that carry electronics, car audio, ...