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Why buy wholesale from China? Buy wholesale from USA warehouses with better brands Sample Wholesale Musical Instrument Inventory Feed: Summer 2021 Closeouts, Specials, & Over-stock Examples are from (1) Master Distributor out of 75 total in our Data-Base. Most all Master Wholesale Distributors offer monthly below cost specials. All our master distributors specialize in musical equipment and musical accessories products. Call 1-760-994-0710 for more info or use our secure online order form. Sign Up Here: www.wholesalemusicwarehouse.net 38 pc. Unitech Brand Hardshell Rectangular Bass Cases. USA made. 1 Size fits all design. $33.95 each, $29.00 each 3 pc. + 22 pc. Canadian Flag Acoustic Guitar. Straight from the great white north. Regular price $69.00 each. Closeout Price $54.95 3 pc. + 32 pc. Flame Acoustic Guitar (Nascar Styling) Regular Price $69.00, Closeout Price $54.95 3 pc. + 18 pc. Squareneck Wood Resonator Guitar. Vintage Sunburst Finish. Comes in cust...