Pick up your China Made Products at U.S. Warehouses, Save shipping / import / duties / costs

Get Your Username and Password 1. Did you know?1. Most consumer electronics and musical equipment are manufactured in china.2. Name recognition is the name of the game.3. Sell china made products with U.S. known brand names.4. Shipping charges from China can mount up, even on small orders.5. You must pay duties, import costs, plus shipping charges from China.6. Your better off to buy from U.S.A. warehouses stocking China goods.7. Save on shipping / overhead costs8. Uncover the master USA warehouses stocking Chinese made consumer electronics by well know U.S. names.9. Chinese wholesale consumer electronics products are stocked all across the USA. Most likely there is a warehouse right in your state.10. We are A+ Rated, 10 years in business. Connect with the best chinese consumer electronics and musical instrument products here in the USA. Save those high import shipping charges and duties / extra paperwork etc. CHINA WHOLESALE ELECTRONICS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SOLD RIGHT HERE IN THE U...